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Syntaxonomy, synecology and conservation of Pseudostellaria europaeaSchaeftlein communities in NW Italy in comparison with populations inthe Eastern Alps
Pseudostellaria europaea is a central European species, referred to as vulnerable in the Red List of Italian Flora. In NW Italy
(Piedmont, Lombardy) it has a disjointed range of distribution from its wider range in Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and Eastern
Italy (Carnia). After 1965, in addition to the previously known two historical sites in NW Italy, new findings of the species
were discovered but very little information about its ecology and habitat characteristics were collected. This paper describes
the syntaxonomical and synecological aspects in NW Italy, based on 26 phytosociological releve´s carried out in different
altitudinal and synecological situations. Slight differences were found between NW Italy populations and the coenosis
described in the Eastern range, both referred to the association Pseudostellario europaeae–Fraxinetum. In the study area two
different vegetational groups were observed. The first is located at high altitude (submontane and montane phytoclimatic
belt) and is characterized by the presence of ingressive species of Fagion sylvaticae, showing catenal contact with Luzulo
nemorosae–Fagetum sylvaticae. The second is located at a lower altitude (colline phytoclimatic belt) and is characterized by the
presence of ingressive species of Carpinion betuli, showing catenal contact with the oak and hornbeam woods of the Po Plain.
For both vegetation groups synecological aspects, wood structure and vegetation status are described. Guidelines for forest
management are also proposed with the purpose of conserving Pseudostellaria.
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2009 P.europaea-.pdf 653,866
Create date
2018-10-10 16:21:12
Lastupdate date
2018-10-11 10:11:04
gto87kr (Jihun Yeon)
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